Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Interview Questions?

1. What is the main difference from designing a house today compared to the past?
2. What are some steps that are important to do before you start to design a home?
3. What do you feel is most important while designing a house?
4. Are there different ways to design a house?
a. What are some different ways?
b. What do you believe is the best way and why?
5. What are some common regulations or guide lines you are usually forced to follow while designing a home?
6. What is your favorite style of house?
7. Do you know any good sources I could use for this project?

Iwill add more.


  1. Are you going anywhere with this interview? What I mean is: are you trying to lead the interviewee or just gather information? What piece of information is the goal of your interview? What facts are you aiming at?

  2. Are there limits to designing by hand? Are there limits to designing with software?
