Thursday, July 9, 2009


This Trimester is almost over. I can't wait. So anyways today I found another new site that is really helping me with this project. I have no idea why I hadn't found it before. I found it while searching in google, how to design a house. I know wow. the first site. Here is an answer I of my foundation question of, What do you do before designing? Here is 19 questions you should answer.
1. Neighborhood. Are the properties well maintained? Check proximity to schools, recreation, shopping etc.
2. Zoning restrictions and/or moratoriums on building. Visit your local building department. Check for easements.
3. Drainage. Is the property in a flood plain or on wetland? Soil erosion?
4. Soil type, especially if the property does not have municipal sewer and water.
5. Is there well water likely to be found at a reasonable depth?
6. Is it feasible to have a septic system and a viable well on this property?
7. Is there a homeowners association with many restrictions on use? The real estate agent should know.
8. Covenants, deed or otherwise. (Closing documents)
9. Public and utility easements. (Plat of survey)
10. Taxes and impact fees. (Zoning department)
11. Access to the property.
12. Will the soil support a foundation?
13. Topography, trees and other vegetation.
14. Do you want to live in the city, country or suburbs?
15. Amenities of the community, such as schools, fire & police protection.
16. Is the community building new schools or other public works that will mean higher taxes.
17. Will the sun be blocked by buildings? What is the view?
18. Is there room for future expansion?
19. Are there plans for a nearby airport or new highways?
Most of these questions are on the site where you would build it but mainly I want to know is before you start designing the home itself. I am still looking so if anyone knows any sources please let me know.

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